My journey
Passionate, creative, caring, intuitive. I started life on this earth as a happy baby ;). I applauded myself when I did something right, laughed all the time and always looked happy. But everything was not as it seemed. I suffered from intestinal problems, allergies, and had a hard time keeping food and drink inside. And what started when I was a baby took on a more serious form the older I got.
Hashimoto’s, IBS, HS, Asthma, Allergies, Sleeping Disorder, PCOS, anxiety, depression, PTSD and Dysautonomia. All of these labels stacked up during my teenage years and led to me being mostly bedbound from age 19. My heart, digestive system, lungs, you name it: they did not function properly. I dragged myself through each day with little energy and much pain, leaning on my parents to survive.
My body got out of ‘freeze’ mode
and I found the rest to start my recovery.
I was in the hospital up to 3 times each week to visit one of my 12 doctors or for an emergency hospitalisation. Deep within, I felt strongly that I could heal and I tried everything, including several diets and complementary medicine. I used what little energy I had to read and do research on healing. Until the turning point came when I was 25 years old.
I found the Medical Medium books and switched to a fully plant-based diet. I felt better immediately, and I knew this was the answer. My body got out of ‘freeze’ mode and I found the rest to start my recovery. This suddenly created space for all unprocessed emotions and traumas from the past years to come to the surface. I realised that I had no idea how to handle all this and how to process it all, leading to a whole new quest.
Somewhere during this period, I also started to experience a soft encouragement. While I used to be very negative about myself and continuously had critical thoughts, I suddenly heard a loving voice come through. A voice that encouraged me and always had words of wisdom for me. After a special experience during a worldwide peace meditation, I felt a warmth rise up in my body and I heard the word ‘kundalini’.
I feel humbled that my work allows me
to walk along for a while with others..
From that moment, I knew for certain that there was ‘something out there’ and I started researching and developing this further. As it turns out, I could communicate with higher guidance and my third eye had been opened wide. Everything I was already able to do as a child, but had been gone during my illness (feeling rooms, people, etc.) came back x100. Challenges and despair as well as moments of extreme connection were all over the place until I started finding my way in this as well.
Over the past few years, I have taken courses in (lifestyle) coaching, medical knowledge and intuition (intuitively healing and reading), to be able to help people as best I can. I have always felt that I could employ everything I have been through to make others’ paths a bit lighter. I feel humbled that my work allows me to walk along for a while with others, and show them new paths and possibilities. Everyone has their own story and life is certainly not always easy, but the best part of being on this globe is that we are not alone and you definitely do not have to do and carry everything by yourself all the time.
Connected. Together. Through compassion and love. For your greatest good and the greatest good of all. In tenderness. Lots of tenderness. That is how it can be and this is what I wish for you.